Monday, May 26, 2008

Apology and Sweden

I donot know if this worths an apology at-all in a first place. But when it comes to employment, it is pure "Business". Not being Political may harm yourself or other who depends on my moves.

Now I live in Finland, working for one of the biggest Mobile vendor.

To tell about my time in Sweden: Past few months in Sweden where electrifying, challenging, fun, awesome, exploratory, and what not? I went thru all kind of things... I was blessed with a Baby boy when I was in Sweden.

Swede’s are very public, friendly, and open for all kind of discussions, they speak good English, and are very helpful.

After all these, I had to leave Sweden with one particular worry in me, those were “the lies” I voiced to my colleagues in Sweden. Later, I realized the politician in me :P.

Till this moment I have kept my Finland plans concealed to Swedish friends.

If any of my ex-colleague from Sweden gets to read this, consider my sincere apology for keeping my Finland plans concealed.


Filip said...

Hi Raj,
Apology accepted. ;-)

Although you must of course explain yourself. What are you doing in Finland again? =)

Rajkumar said...

Filip, first of all thank you for tracking my blog frequently.. let this info remain concealed..since my ex-employer(sub-contract company) will really get pissed off knowing this.. :(
One day or the other they will know this..but not soo early :P