Sunday, February 24, 2008

Useless Indian Mainstream Media

I found this news about “Regressive separation of the sexes in TN” on TimesOfIndia. This is all about the strict rules followed by the colleges under Jeppiar Educational trust. Like Girls and Boys should not speak to each other, not even glance at them..the same applies inside and outside the college.
Mr. Jeppiar belives that these strict rules bring discipline to the students in the future, yes my opinion is also same with this respect. I mean, such rules has to be there in the colleges atleast to retain certain level of Indian Tradition, not Tamil Culture as claimed by Jeppiar or by News media.
I agree the extent in which the students are being punished for breaking such rules inside or outside college is extremely nasty, which needs to be relaxed. No alumni’s from these collegse had ever blamed such rules, instead they said it was a must for them. And most of the parents want engineering seats from such colleges. When all such things are happening verymuch with the consent of parents and the students..what the Hell is wrong with national media?
We see everyday, how the young people in India are influenced by the wetern culture. Pre-marital sex is a fashion in most of the metro politan cities in India.I don’t say every young people in such cities indulge in pre-marital sex, but nominal percentage of the young community are affected for sure. Certain colleges in India are atleast delaying such encounters between opposite sex, but not gonna stop it.
Coming to the issue, This is how the news started in TimesNow channel “Well if you belive that India in 21st century has Done away with cake ideas? Think again. We have found certain colleges in Chennai has forced male and female students to keepout of each others way, all in the name of Tamil Culture.”
The problem I see here is, even such disciplinary moves by colleges are published with sarcasm in India’s Mainstream media’s. These people donot have a social responsibilty to embrace our traditional values. We donot want these media to embrace our culture, but don’t mock it on the name of Globalisation or 21st century. If this continues we will loose our traditional Indian identity in couple of decades.
Such colleges doesnot exist only in Chennai or TamilNadu, there are madrasas in India(infact globally) apply same rules in the schools and colleges, then why the hell do we have Christian missionary schools with separate Girls School and Boys School…BS..Apply minimum level common sense before u publish things like this. This reporter claims it ridiculous… OMG these people donot even have a low level rational thinking to apply common logics before they choose such topics..
My understanding on these national media attacking Tamil Nadu since recent times is, Since this Ram Setu statement by Karunanidhi. The National media’s wanted some or the other issues about Tamil Nadu…Not praising! but mocking now and then.
Otherwise also these private news channels are fit-for-nothing..i hate to see these channels..The way they present each an every news is very funny, dramatic, cinematic.with all crazy BS’s..Just listen to the background music whenever you see such news channels…atleast I burst into laugh. There wont be any relation to the topic being said and music used..But it is fun to watch instead being informative.


Jay Srinivasan said...

Good blog machi.. keep adding on

Rajkumar said...

Thanks Jai...Keep checking :)

Rajkumar said...

Thanks Jai...Keep checking :)